First Nations history: The National Trust is here to help
Schools have until early 2026 to integrate a more robust focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures in their history curricula, and assistance has come from an unexpected source.
AI in Education: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?
The latest edition of TLN’s practitioner journal offers the input of teachers, leaders and researchers to the debate about AI in education, writes Louisa Callanan.
The IEU’s ongoing campaign to recruit new students and graduates
The student teacher/graduate program remains a core area for our union, with the IEU freeing up an Organiser to undertake this important work.
IEU Reps turn out in force at runaway training success
Over 60 IEU Reps gathered at union headquarters in late October to share their experiences and discuss the impact of new rights won under changes to federal laws.
Insights from the frontliners: IEU Reps on their roles
At October’s highly successful Rep training day, three Reps from very different schools spoke to The Point about why they are in the union and what they are working on now.
Education support staff, don’t get ripped off on overtime and time in lieu
Education Support members, stay informed about your rights and entitlements for overtime and time off.
New law helps harassment victim-survivors get fairer access to justice
Victim-survivors of workplace sexual harassment in Australia can now seek justice more easily without the risk of financial hardship, due to new federal legislation championed by unions.
2024 in review: CRT rates lifted
Casual Relief Teachers in Victorian Catholic schools continue to see increases to their daily rate of pay thanks to new provisions linking pay to the Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review.
IEU General Secretary David Brear says the upcoming Victorian Catholic campaign is about pay
The current Agreements covering Catholic schools in Victoria expire at the end of 2025 and we have already begun the process of preparing the campaign for their replacement.
The IEU thanks outstanding Rep contributors
Every IEU Rep deserves congratulations and thanks, but we want to highlight the exceptional service of these selfless colleagues in 2024.
IEU pushes for the law to address workplace surveillance concerns
The IEU Victoria Tasmania has made a submission to the Victorian Parliament inquiry into workplace surveillance, pointing out that students are a unique source of privacy breaches for employees working in schools.
Reproductive health leave survey – It’s For Every Body
Unionists are campaigning for a reproductive health leave entitlement that would benefit all workers – including those experiencing menopause.
IEU members boost bargaining campaign via Anna Stewart Memorial Project
IEU members Sophie Bird and Marla Leitch boosted the campaign for a deal in Tasmanian Catholic schools while participating in the Anna Stewart Memorial Project.
IEU on the great smartphone ban in schools debate
Will Catholic and independent schools join the government sector in banning smartphone usage by students at school?
IEU Rep profile: Noel Cowall, Xavier College junior school
Nick’s commitment to supporting both teaching and general staff is a great example of the fundamental role that unionism plays in creating fair working conditions in schools.
IEU members at the beginning and the end of the teaching journey
Lachlan Black, a graduate completing his first year as a teacher, and Vince Muscatello, a retiring veteran educator and principal, deliver their impressions from opposite ends of the career telescope.
The IEU will continue to fight against discrimination
A national survey, has found that the majority of parents with children at Australian religious schools oppose discrimination against LGBTIQA+ staff and students.
IEU calls for action to tackle harassment of women teachers
The Sexual Harassment of Teachers (SHOT) Report has found harmful sexual behaviours are increasing in Australian schools, and women teachers often don’t feel safe at work.
The IEU’s hints for a successful start as a CRT
Practical hints on how to hit the ground running as a casual relief teacher.
IEU Career Corner: graduates, consider starting your teaching career as a CRT
Starting your career as a casual relief teacher can offer many benefits for newcomers to education.