First ever EBA signed at NECA
Members at National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) Education have won their workplace’s first-ever Enterprise Bargaining Agreement after a determined industrial campaign.

Ilim College staff improve their pay and working conditions
Staff at Ilim College have finalised a new Enterprise Agreement, achieving conditions which surpass those of many counterparts in the independent sector.

80,000 reasons to check your pay
A backpay win for an incorrectly classified member is a reminder that you should contact your union if you have any questions about your wages.

DONE DEAL! What have you won?
Yesterday, we reached in-principal agreement with Catholic Education Tasmania on all of the key issues in dispute. While there is a lot to unpack and many details to finalise, in this post we outline your key wins.

IEU helps win landmark day care pay rise
The federal Labor government will spend $3.6 billion to fund pay increases that will mean teachers in long day care centres throughout Australia get a 15% pay rise above the current rate in the Modern Award.

IEU workplace wins in two states
The IEU has recently recorded significant industrial wins in two states which remind us of the great work being done by members and staff to achieve real outcomes for educators in their workplaces.

Reps’ Rights boosted – a huge win for unionists
The essential role of union Reps is at last getting the recognition and protection it deserves in law, thanks to the Federal Government’s Closing Loopholes legislation.

IEU records legal win over school’s ‘unconscionable conduct’ during lockdowns
The IEU has recorded an emphatic legal win for a member at Peninsula Grammar by forcing the school to honour its fee discount for staff with children at the school.